We can be successful at crime reduction by working together. Simple things go a long way in keeping you safe and our community crime free.

Take all valuables out of your car after you return home or when you are out and about. Closing your garage door and locking your entry doors reduces or eliminates the temptation for someone to take your property. Call in any suspicious persons to the police to help us identify someone who is looking for a good time at your expense.You are not bothering us: It’s what we do! 

We also conduct thousands of home and business security checks each year. If you plan to leave even for just a few days, call the police department or visit our website, www.blueash.com/police, to submit a  Vacation Check Form. Our officers will check your home on each shift and take action if anything looks out of place. We’ve heard that burglars hate this service!

Springtime is a prime time of the year for thieves to become active as they look for potential targets. There are criminals who wait for the next storm to pass through and then come calling with offers to fix roofs or gutters, maybe help remove a fallen tree. Sometimes they will attempt to enter your home when you’re outside or not watchful. Other times they ask for money up front, start the work, and then vanish. If your instinct is telling you that something is not right about the offer, it’s probably good instinct. 

For more about scams and alerts visit: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/scam-alerts.